Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Map Projections and Distortions

In preparation for Thursday's quiz, please consider the following question: What is the relationship between the key terms globe, map, projection, and distortion? After posting your response, read the answers of your classmates. HINT: Write down any information that will help you meet or exceed the standards.


Anonymous said...

The globe is a good thing if you want to find a state or country. But a map can help you find the exact place

Anonymous said...

A GLOBE is the best way to show the Earth because it is the same 3D shape. When you make it 2D, it becomes a PROJECTION. But, since the Earth is round, and a PROJECTION is flat, there is always DISTORTION on the MAPS.

Anonymous said...

Here's what I think about the connections between globe, map, projection,and distortion. I think that the Globe is the most accurate way to show the earth. But, as people realized that a globe wasn't very convenient, they made a projection, or a flat map. An example of a flat map would be the Robinson Projection. It is the most accurate way to show the earth in a projection. Although there are still a few distortions around the globes.
A distortion is when something is a little different in shape than it really is on the globe. That's what I think is a relationship between those 4 key terms.

Anonymous said...

the globe is the sigh from space that is what the earth looks like from space that is some of it's best quality. It's distortions is that when you are trying to get from place to place it dose not have any roads and all that info to get from one place to another. A distortion is what is wrong with the flat map like they don't have the lat and long line correct all maps have at least one distortion.

Anonymous said...

The relation ship between these word is ...
The globe is the most accurate way to sow the Earth, but it is not convinent so they made a projection which is a flat map but in those projections or flat maps there is distortions which means there are things that are inaccurate . an example of a projection is peters projection which has land and ocean areas and the correct directions but not the right size and shape. The most accurate one is the robinson projection.

Anonymous said...

A GLOBE is the most accuret model of earth, but it is not detailed enough or is it portable.To fix that We made a PROJECTION of the earth,a flat MAP which is potable but no matter what type of world map you use you will always have DISTORTIONS.

Anonymous said...

The relationship between those 4 key terms are...The GLOBE is the most accurate way of making the earth without using the actual scale, but since it can't be portable and visibly accurate at the same time, we made an alternate way, called a MAP. These maps, or PROJECTIONS, are good because they are portable, but since the Earth is a sphere, there is DISTORTION (inaccurate scale) in some land forms. [(Please tell me if I'm wrong)]

Anonymous said...

The distortion is when a globe is round then flat and you can see stuff that is there and it is more accurate to use .The flat map you can brinng with you anywhere.
The globe you can use to now where you are going it will help youbut it does not show the roads.

Anonymous said...

The relationship between the globe, map, projection and distortion is a globe is a round projection of the Earth, once you take that projection of Earth and flatten it out it is a map, but the problem with that is that all maps have distortion. That is how they are all related.

Anonymous said...

The relationship between the key terms is a globe Is the most accurate way to see location, but it is not very datailed and portable. A map is portable and it is more deataled but it has some distortion. Distortion is when it does not show everything accurate Every map that is flat always has distortion. Projection is where you put a map on a flat piece of paper.

Anonymous said...

A globe is the most accurate map ,but it is to big to put in your pocket and doesn't show roads thats why
geographers make flat maps called a projection most
maps have distortion. distortion is when something on the map is inaccurate like the size of the continents or

Anonymous said...

The relationship between globe, map, projection, and distortion is that the globe is a map, but it`s not very convenient to carry around in your pocket, and it doesn't show a lot of detail. That is why they invented a flat map. A flat map is called a projection. Projections have distortions such as it's not accurate on the size, distance, and shape. The most accurate projection today is the Robinson Projection. The distortions of that projection are near the poles.

Anonymous said...

The relationship between the globe, map, projection, and distortion is that the globe is representing the earth but, you can't use it as a road map so they made a flat map used on the road,then they made different types of maps used for different things called projections, but they have some things that are incorrect called distortions.

Anonymous said...

everyone great job!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

pretty good peoples

Anonymous said...

A globe is a round ball that is the most accurate projection of the
world. When you try to make the world a flat map you get some distortions of that projection. The Robenson projection is the most accurate projection the only thing wrong is they only distort the poles a little,but it has the right shape and size.

Anonymous said...

A globe is a round model of the Earth which is most useful when you want to see the whole world but it is not portable like a flat map.A flat map is a projection putting Earth on a flat piece of paper. But projections and flat maps cannot show the whole world correctly. Not being to show everything that is on a globe is called distortion. Some maps get close to showing the whole world correctly on a flat map like the Robinson projection.

Anonymous said...

A globe is a accurate model of the earth.It shows the oceans and the continents in a true statement. It is not portable. A map however is a flat surface that has some distortions. The map is portable that can fit in your back pocket. A projection is a representation of the earths rounded surface, for example the Robinson Projection is a projection. A distortion is a misrepresentation of a true shape. Each map projection used by cartographers produces some distortion.

Anonymous said...

you guys are all smarter than me

Anonymous said...

I'm sure everyone will do pretty good on the test!

Anonymous said...

I really like yours Darcie!!!

Anonymous said...

On my paragraph I wrote there are distortions around the globes, I meant around the poles!

Good job everyone. They sound great!

Anonymous said...

amanda a globe is not a map a map is flat and 2D a globe is round and is 3D and you said "a globe is the most accurate map" so that is just what i wanted to say

Anonymous said...

On my paragraph I wrote there are distortions around the globes, I meant around the poles!

Good job everyone. They sound great!

Anonymous said...

The relationship between the GLOBE, MAP,PROJECTION,and DISTORTION is the that a Globe dose not have the bets detail. So they other maps like the Robinson projection it is the most best.

I didn't have time to finish-

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

good answers everybody!

Anonymous said...

A globe is the most accurate way of using a map because it is the shape you would see in space although it doesn't show up close like the roads. A map is a projectional way of showing up close on a flat piece of paper it also shows distortion which is the actual shape. Some maps like road maps show roads, counties, countries, towns, etc. A example of distortion is the equal-ares projection, it shows everything most accuratly.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We're so going to ace this test! Nice job Everybody!

Anonymous said...

A globe is the best way to look at how the Earth looks. It is 3D, so you can really see how it looks. A flat map is a map of the earth on a flat piece of paper. Maps are eaisier to carry and they give more detail, but every map has distortions. depending on the projection has different distortions.

Anonymous said...

A globe is the best way to show the Earth but it's not very portable.A flat map is a projection.It's good for travel,but it doesn't show correct shape and sizes.That means it has distortion.

Anonymous said...

The most accurate way to show Earth is a globe, because it is the same shape as Earth. But it does not show every single detail. Most distortions (flat maps) do. But Earth is round and projections are flat, so there is some distortion on a flat map.

Anonymous said...

i don't quite know about the distortion and porjection. but i do know about globe and map.a globe is a big round modal that shows the contotinents and ocens.a map shows states and most even show towns like gorham and portland.wieght i do know the other two but i dant want to typ it ok

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

a globe is the best way to represent the Earth because it is the same shape of the Earth.A down side to using a globe is that it is not easily transported,and it doesn't show any details.You can also use a flat map to see the earth.A flat map is a projection of a globe.The only thing is on every map there is some distortions or errors that make something look different than it really is.

Anonymous said...

what does that mean river.

Anonymous said...

A globe is a round ball like the Earth that shows land and water on a smaller scale. A flat out so map is a projection of the Earth showed on a flat piece of paper, but it is impossible to do this without some distortion,or a change in the accuracy
of the Earth's shapes and distances.

Anonymous said...

A globe is a 3-d figure that shows continents. A map is like a flat globe on a piece of paper that shows more towns than a globe.It is a 2-d shape. Projection is where you take something 3-d and make it flat so it becomes 2-d. A distortion is not the true shape.

Anonymous said...

A globe i think is the best way to look at how the Earth looks. I think it is the best way to look at Earth because it pops out. You can look at it better. A map shows the exact place with distortion. projection represents the globe except on a flat piece of paper. Distortion is a error of the true shape.

Anonymous said...

I think that a globe is the best way to show Earth. Because it is 3-D and is the same shape as Earth. But, you can't use it like a road map and stick it in your pocket. It can become a Projection when you make it 2-D. And then you can stick it in your pocket and use it as a road map. A map is flat. Projection basically means flat. A map is just a flat version of a globe. But when you make it 2-D it is going to show distortion. Distortion is not accurate shape.

Anonymous said...

the relationship between the 4 key term; a GLOBE is taking the real earth and making a smaller MODLE of it.a GLOBE dose not show DETAIL. a MAP shows detailed areas that GLOBES do not PROJECTION is a fansay word for taking a GLOBE and making it flat DISTORTION is a misreppreantion in the true size;)

Anonymous said...

On my other answer on the third line I wrote distortion instead of projection, projection is the correct answer.

Anonymous said...

we are all totaly going to ace this test.here is a tip read some other peoples and you guys can get some ideas.keep going guys.rock on.good luck

Anonymous said...

A globe is the best way to show the Earth because it is round and it has no distortions. A map has some distortions but is easily portable. A projection is a globe that is flat but that also has distortions which are mistakes, but a flat map has so many details.

Anonymous said...

A globe is a round model of Earth that is the most accurate way to show what the Earth looks like. However, it does not show enough detail. A map shows more detail than a globe and is easier to carry. The bad thing is that it doesn't show the correct details. A projection is pretty much a map that can be shown in many ways. A distortion is something that is inaccurate on a map. A globe, projection, and a map all show land and ocean.

Anonymous said...

A globe is round and it shows the continents and oceans. A map shows exact locations of cities. A map is flat so you can find where you need to go. A map is easier to travel with because you can fold it up and put it in the glove compartment of the car.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I like yours a lot Emily

Anonymous said...

isnt bloging so much fun.i am going to go home and blog some more after football yo.hi mrs.whitcker.

Anonymous said...

A map is a shows more detil when a globe like you can`t sees states on a globe .A globe is a round ball.A projection is a round thing geting flating.Distortion is when it does look like in real life.

Anonymous said...

Lexi I like what you wrote so much more than I like what i wrote....


Anonymous said...

good gob do good on the test!!!

Anonymous said...

buy for now see ya all later

Anonymous said...

the gobe vare good to have if you whont to find ofer stats or cuntres.

A map is a vare good tole to have because you can foled it in your bocet and takit with you.

A projection is just a bout the same thing as a globe it flating them out.

A distortoin is the oposet of the rel thing so if you had something and you made it diforent thing you just made it distortion.

Anonymous said...

The relationship between the key terms globe, flat map, projection, and distortion are that they all show the outer surface of a part of the world. For example the globe is a 3D ball that shows the outer suface of the world, but the globe does not show details and isn't portable. On the other hand a flat map is a detailed projection that is portable and can fit in your pocket, but there is distortion in the accuracy of size, shape and or distance. There are several different types of flat maps like the Mercater, Robinson, and the Peter projection. The equal area projection shows the size accurately but the shape and distance inaccurately.

Anonymous said...

Darcie u posted twice ha ha love Abigail

Anonymous said...

Every body going to do great!

Anonymous said...

great job to everybody

Anonymous said...

Bye bye!

Anonymous said...

A globe is like 3-d. It shows continents and bodies of water. A map is flat and something that you can travel with and locate a specific place, like Portland Me. A globe will not show the cities, like a map does. There are different kinds of map projections like Robinson and
Mercator,Equal-area, Interrupted and peters projections are other kinds of maps.To day we use the Robinson projection because... it shows the size and shape of land without a lot of distortion.

Anonymous said...

A globe is one big ball. A map is very flat . Projection a representation of the earth;s rounded surface on a flat piece of paper.A distortion is something wrong.

Anonymous said...

I wish i was as smart as everyone of you your answers are awesome!!

Anonymous said...

The globe is the most accurate way to see size and shape, but it is not easily portable. That's why we made a projection of it on to a flat piece of paper to make a map. A map is easily portable but has many distortions on it. Distortion is incorrect data about size, shape or distance. For example, a Mercators projection is accurate distance and shape, but it's distortion is size. That's what I think about the connections between Globe, Map, Distortion and Projection.

Anonymous said...

Every one is going to do great on there test.

Anonymous said...

sorry i made a mistake on one of them

Anonymous said...

i really like yours and madi and mackenzie darcie love Abigail

Anonymous said...

i love to blog it is so fun.i have blogd like a million times this is my millioth and one time bloging

Anonymous said...

Just a test comment from Taidgh.

Anonymous said...

Shane test comment

Anonymous said...

hey mrs.w u get really hiper somtimes.just so u know.

Anonymous said...

love what wrote (: (: (: (:


Anonymous said...

sorry. i love what YOU wrote

shane said...


Anonymous said...

the globe is a good thing to use is to find a state or country but the bad thin is u cant put it in ur pocket