Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's Back to School Time!

Welcome to sixth grade and the Katahdin team! I hope that you had a relaxing summer filled with wonderful memories. I know that the favorite part of my summer was going kayaking, hiking, and motorcycle riding with my family and friends. What did you do for fun?


Anonymous said...

I can't really remember everything about my summer, but it was pretty good. I went to Fun Town a few times and hung out with my friends a lot, but for all I can remember, your summer sounds a little more...occupied. You could say i had a lazy summer.

Anonymous said...

Summer was awesome I got a autographed ball by paul pierce . The other part was My birthday was awesome. I Had a great summer.

Anonymous said...

Summer was awesome I got a autographed ball by paul pierce . The other part was My birthday was awesome. I Had a great summer.

Anonymous said...

I had a great summer , it was filled with tons of things but one of my favorites was when i went up to my neighbors grammys camp. We went in the lake which was warm, we jumped of the dock, went on the boat when we went on the boat we went tubing. When we went to their camp it was the 4th of july so when it got dark we went on the boat and watched the fire works we also went to get ice cream on the boat and made a camp fire!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I had a great time this summer my mom and dad took
my family to water country. Me and my dad went to ourriver and played in the water it was fun.

Anonymous said...

I had a great summer too! I enjoyed traveling to Ireland with my Mom and visiting with my family.
I also did a lot of shopping! On the Pier, at the mall, in North Conway and so many more places!
I went to the beach numerous time and played in the sand. My friend moved to Georgia, so for her goodbye present I took her to the beach and we had food on the pier for supper.
I also participated in 2 different basketball camps.1 was overnight for a week in Casco, Maine. The second was at the Gorham USM. That was a day camp. A lot of my friends were aat the camps too! At swish camp my friend Julia in my class was there too!
I had a great summer and cant wait for 09'!!

Anonymous said...

I had a great time, I went to camp, I went swimming in my pool a lot!, I got a puppy over the summer her name is Ava and she is a boxer puppy. She is adorable! My family and I went to our camp Point sebago resort. I went tubing too it was so fun! It was really hot over the summer. But I'm looking foward to winter.

Anonymous said...

I had a great summer!! I did all kinds of things such as, riding my bike, going to Maryland for my brothers baseball camp. Another camp my brother went to was the Jason Varitek camp where Jesse and I got to meet Jason Varitek!! That was the coolest part!! I also did a camp of my own. I went to Hoop camp its a basketball camp. It was so fun!! My favorite part was going to the beach with my friends! I did a whole lot of a babysitting as well.

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of the summer was when I had a sleep over at my house and my friend Krista for a week! Also I loved it when we went to fun parks, and went camping at my grandparents camp in Freeport.

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing i did over the summer was when
i went to fun town two times a week.The othere thing i did was go camping with my firends and family.One day me and my firends went for a bike ride in the pole lines and we where gone for two hours.

Anonymous said...

Sound's like a fun summer that you had. I went to Mt. Katadin with almost 30 people! It was really fun, but it rained the first few nights. Two people that went with us re originally from New Hampshier, and they had never seen a moose before. We took the moose watching, which is when you ride around in a car looking for moose. We saw a HUGE one, but we one saw it from the back.
I had many more memories, but this was probibly one of my favorite!

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing i did over the summer was when
i went to fun town two times a week.The othere thing i did was go camping with my firends and family.One day me and my firends went for a bike ride in the pole lines and we where gone for two hours.

Anonymous said...

Over the summer I went to Holland! We went to Paris and Germany! I also did a lot of horse back riding! When we where in Paris my mom got a artist to draw a picture of me and my brother. I had a good time!

Anonymous said...

This summer I went swimming and went on our family boat . Also I hang out with my friends and family. I went to a party where they had so many things to do like face painting.

Anonymous said...

Well over the summer I shut my middle finger in a car door and my little brother asked the dumbest question ever he asked if I would die my mom said no but I almost got stiches I was so scard but I got a cast & thank God for that.

Anonymous said...

I had a very fun summer! I hung out with friends, played soccer, read, gardened, went to ballet. i also went camping with my friend Meghan. We hiked and swam. Her dog, Tori, got stuck in the current, but she`s a Great Dane so she turned herself around and Mr. Hanley helped her get back to safety. I had a wonderful summer.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like allot of fun.I have a kayak also and I had allot of fun on it.We also went to Rangely camping It was so windy that if you tried to stand up on a rock in the water the waves would knock you right off!
Other then that I had a Great Summer!I'm glad you had a good Summer also!

Anonymous said...

That sounds really fun! Over the summer, I went to my family's camp up in North Turner, and stayed there for a week (the bad part was that we came home one day before school started, so I had like, no time to get prepared). It was still really fun. This school year has been fun so far, and I am looking forward to learning about ancient civilizations. I just love history! It's so cool that you are setting up this blog, because I was thinking about setting up my own blog. I will be checking your blog every few days for new updates.

Anonymous said...

I went camping next to a BIG river in a RV that toke a lot of power to power it.It takes a lot of fuel to dive it.

Anonymous said...

You are totally AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

Every one that sounds FUN!!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought summer was awesome this year because I went to Washington D.C. I went to a lot of restaurants. At one restaurant I got a Caesar salad there was a big crouton with a hole in it and they stuck the salad in the crouton I thought that was weird. Other than that I learned a lot of history.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a lot of fun over your summer and, so did I The best part of my summer was my 11th birthday party. It was a murder in hollywood and me and my friends had alot of fun and It was so cool. A lot of my friends came over like Julia G, Renae S, Kiana P, and Isabelle G, and guess what me and my brother were born on the same day (august 12) but get this I am 11 and my brother is 5 we were born 6 years apart.

Anonymous said...

dear megan.D that sounds like it hurt

Anonymous said...

Sounds like everyone had fun!!!!

Anonymous said...

seems like summer '08 was really busy

Anonymous said...

Wow. It seems like everybody had a cooler summer than me...Oh, well. I kinda like lazy summers.

Anonymous said...

I did a bunch of stuff over the summer such as going to the beach, swimming, going to my grandmas camp in Farmington by Clearwater Lake and visiting my friends and keeping in touch with my friends in Utah , also babysitting my one year old brother and my three year old sister.

Anonymous said...

I had a aw

Anonymous said...

I had a great summer! I did a basketball camp for two weeks. I also did a soccer camp towards the end of the summer! I mostly hung out with friends though...!!

Anonymous said...

My summer was great!I went to two different camps.Hoop Camp and Swish Camp.They are both basketball camps.Hoop Camp was my favorite.You stay there overnight.Swish is just a day camp,but it was still really fun!

Anonymous said...

I had a great summer! I went to Fun Town once this summer. I also went camping with my friends, Alyssa and Zoe! That was so fun! For the Fourth of July I went to Wakefield, MA to visit family! They had an awesome parade and a huge festival!

Anonymous said...

I had a awesome summer! I went to my grand parents lake it was sweet! we got to go tubing on the lake and i had a cramp the hole time it hurt.We had a BBQ sometimes and it was awesome I had a awesome summer.

Anonymous said...

my summer was great.we celebratd my birthday at my grandfathers camp on june 3.of corce that is my birthday.then on june 16 it was my garndmas birhday.on june 28 it was my brothers birthday.last but not least on agust 18 it was my sisters birthday.noe that is a lot of birthdays ist it

Anonymous said...

I loved that summer in 2008. Mostly I went to long lake with my cousins and 2nd cousins from Maryland. I went tubing with them. BUT.....the only thing I didn't like about summer was my b-day ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.

Anonymous said...

I had a good summer. Thank you for asking Mrs.W .I had some fun.During the summer i had some fun with my friend.I like to swim and bike .During the summer I saw my family.That my summer.

Anonymous said...

My summer really good,but it was really busy too because had to move twice.Besides that, I had an awesome summer.

Anonymous said...

During the summer i did a ton of stuff, but i think the most fun i had was going to camp with my family! All my family comes down from Wisconsin and Conn. We all go to a camp there is always a lake and fishing,kayaking and cannoning. Plus lots more i had a great summer!

Anonymous said...

Part of my summer was awesome! In june I went to yellowstone national park and saw tons of wildlife and natural things that happened there. Other than that, I had a boring summer.

Anonymous said...

I had an awesome summer! I did so much. I think my favorite thing I did was when I went to my grandfather's house on the lake. I went kneeboarding and swimming.It was really fun.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like fun! I had a pretty cool summer too! I Went to Dundee Park with some family and friends. I had fun swimming, and tanning in the sun. I also went to the rope swing, on the covered bridge road. Then I had some family come down and we had a BBQ. And i got a job at a local farm, it is near my street. They have Chickens, goats, sheep, horses, turkeys, pigs, birds and dogs. Plus I got to go to Funtown a couple times. Anyways I've had a great summer!

Anonymous said...

Hey!! I am not the best at my memoory so all I can really remember about fun this summer was going to my camp. We went swimming, water skiing, watched fire works, you know the campy stuff. Oh and s'mores YUMMMM, and remember your the best Mrs. Whitaker!!!!

Anonymous said...

I had a awesome summer I got to go to family and freinds camp ground.I got to do all kinds of stuff there.I advise you to go there.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I had a rely good summer because I went out of the sate for all summer and I could not what to go bake to school to meet my teachers and to have fun with my friend.

Anonymous said...

The most awesome thing that I did this summer was going camping. I went camping at Anchors of Wildlife. I saw some chipmunks and pet dogs!

Anonymous said...

My summer was awesome,I went to my camp, I went swimming and fishing. My birthday was also in the summer. I went to my grand parents who live in New Jersey. We also went to New York City.

Anonymous said...

my summer was was great because I got to see one of my friends and I went to Funtown and Splashtown USA and I went there with my best friend,my mom,and my big sister it was fun.

Anonymous said...

This summer was the best ever.I got a pool,I went to a hotel and a lot of other places to.

Anonymous said...

The best thing that I did this Summer was see the countryside of Wisconsin!
We ate cheddar and mozarella cheese! We were investigating wearwolf sightings,they call it the "dogman".
I saw it my self.

Anonymous said...

What i did this summer was really cool. I went to Harrison Burg VA to see my 1st dad. I also went to my grandmas house this summer. What i also did this summer is went to a family wedding. The food there was very good.

Anonymous said...

my summer was great.we did a hole lot of things this summer.we celebrated 4 birthdays.and we went to a lot of beaches like rang pond,wasumsky spirngsand last but not least my grandfathers camp.that is where we celabrated all of those birthdays.wll anyway i had a greatsummer how was yours.well goodnight.piece out my homeas.

Anonymous said...

hey i am back.i read some of u guyses and it seams like you hade a good summer to.well good nite

Anonymous said...

hey yo.hi mrs whitaker you are the best teacher in the school